Out West, Building Wildlife Crossings Brings Return on Investment

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Out West, Building Wildlife Crossings Brings Return on Investment

Pronghorn antelope in western Wyoming look to cross U.S. Highway 191 during their fall migration. This location now has a wildlife overpass, allowing the pronghorn to avoid car and truck traffic.  Photo by Joe Riis
Pronghorn antelope in western Wyoming look to cross U.S. Highway 191 during their fall migration. This location now has a wildlife overpass, allowing the pronghorn to avoid car and truck traffic. Photo by Joe Riis

 PewTrusts.org,  by Matt Skroch   February 25, 2020

Structures that steer animals over and under roads reduce collisions with vehicles, and costs

 Nobody wants to collide with a deer or elk at  60 miles per hour, yet  on the rural roads and highways of the American West,  that’s an  all-too-common occurrence, and one that ends badly for both humans  and  wildlife. Nationwide, about 26,000 people are injured by  wildlife-vehicle  collisions every year, costing Americans more than $8  billion in vehicle  repair, medical costs, towing, and other expenses.  To cite just one statistic:  The average cost of a vehicle colliding  with a moose exceeds $44,000 in 2018  dollars.  

As for the wildlife, 1 million to 2 million  deer, elk, and other  large animals die every year after being struck by a car  or truck.  Unfortunately, these accidents are becoming more common as Western   states build more roads and otherwise encroach on big-game habitat and   migration routes. But state and federal lawmakers, working with various   partners, can do something about it. 

Today, data and research reveal a lot about where  deer, elk, and other animals move,  and where  wildlife-vehicle collisions are most likely to happen. These  “hot spots” show  where investments in transportation infrastructure  such as wildlife overpasses  or underpasses could provide a win-win for  animals and motorists alike.

This bridge at Trappers Point, on U.S. Highway 191 west of Pinedale, Wyoming, provides safe crossings for pronghorn, deer, and other wildlife. About 30 miles of special fencing was installed to direct animals to the overpass. National Geographic
This bridge at Trappers Point, on U.S. Highway 191 west of Pinedale, Wyoming, provides safe crossings for pronghorn, deer, and other wildlife. About 30 miles of special fencing was installed to direct animals to the overpass. National Geographic

For instance, on a short stretch of U.S.  Highway 191 near Pinedale,  Wyoming, called Trappers Point, dozens of pronghorn  antelope and mule  deer were colliding with vehicles during the animals’ seasonal   migration between summer and winter habitats, resulting in about  $500,000 in costs  per year. In 2012, the Wyoming Department of  Transportation built two wildlife bridges  and six underpasses, and  within three years, wildlife-vehicle collisions  dropped 81 percent  overall, and collisions with pronghorn were eliminated. As  John Eddins,  then the department’s district engineer, noted, “These types of  projects are expensive, but  when you are saving $500,000 each year in  vehicle crash costs and wildlife  mortality costs, the project pays for  itself in about 20 years.”

Trappers Point is one of a growing  number of successful  transportation projects that not only keep wildlife and people  safe but  also provide a significant return on investment. In January, Pew   commissioned a  report by  the Center for Large Landscape Conservation that  synthesized research  on the cost-effectiveness of building wildlife-friendly  crossing  structures in collision hot spots. The report found that in areas where  an average of  five or more collisions between motorists and deer occur  per mile per year, or  where collisions with elk average two or more per  mile per year, the savings  that result from avoided accidents exceed  the costs of constructing the bridges  and underpasses. In areas where  moose and vehicles collide—accidents that are typically  more severe and  expensive than collisions with other species—research shows  that  building effective wildlife crossings can yield a net economic benefit   even when just one collision occurs per mile per year.


Migrating mule deer are met by a busy roadway in Idaho. Protection for these migration routes will help both deer and drivers. Matthew Pieron/Idaho Department of Fish and Game
Migrating mule deer are met by a busy roadway in Idaho. Protection for these migration routes will help both deer and drivers. Matthew Pieron/Idaho Department of Fish and Game

    These findings provide valuable  information for decision-makers  charged with developing our nation’s  transportation policy and setting  funding priorities. This fall, the five-year  federal surface  transportation act, which largely funds road and bridge construction   across the country, will expire. Congress is working on a new version of  the  act, and wildlife crossing structures are currently part of a  bipartisan bill  that was approved by the Senate Environment and Public  Works Committee last  year. That bill, the America’s Transportation  Infrastructure Act of 2019, includes  a new discretionary grant program  of $250 million over five years to support construction  projects that  protect motorists and wildlife. The House of Representatives is   beginning work on a similar bill, with details yet to be unveiled about  how and  whether wildlife-friendly transportation infrastructure will  fit into the next  five years of federal surface transportation funding.  

The Pew Charitable Trusts will  continue to help facilitate and  support opportunities for stakeholders,  including state agencies, to  come together to share best practices and the  latest science to save  lives and money, and ensure that people and wildlife can  continue to  thrive across the landscapes of the West.