HFWA Teams Up To Remove Old Fencing and Barbed Wire
By Shaun Ward
Watching the water drip out of my muck boots as I turned them upside down and letting my drenched socks dry out in the sun made for a very memorable Saturday afternoon. In addition to sunburn and torn skin, I walked away with a load of old metal and a satisfying feeling of accomplishment.
In May, HFWA worked to remove old metal fences from conservation easements in Teton Valley. These projects were in partnership with Teton Regional Land Trust, Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, Trout Unlimited, and Friends of the Teton River. One project removed over 1200 yards of barbed wire fencing along the Teton River, cheered on by the people floating by. Removing the old wire will provide safer river access to boaters and wildlife.
Another project removed enclosures erected 19 years ago by TRLT for the re-establishment of willows at
Six Springs Ranch. Before the conservation easement, that area had experienced overgrazing, a common
problem for grazed rivers and streams. Today, the willows are robust and healthy, so the enclosures are
no longer needed. Members of HFWA and TRLT teamed up to take on these projects, removing the T-Posts and fencing from the willows. After hours of hard work, the teams successfully hauled away the fencing and made new friends in the process.