Ongoing Volunteer Programs

"Fresh air is as good for the mind as for the body. Nature always seems trying to talk to us as if she had some great secret to tell. And so she has." –John Lubbock

The following volunteer projects are ongoing so you can get involved at your own pace. Become a citizen scientist and provide important information for researchers monitoring wildlife populations. Or support conservation by purchasing or building a kestrel box for your own yard or for a neighbor. These are just a few opportunities to get involved with HFWA. Contact us for more information!

Swallow Bridge Surveys

Contribute to conservation science on your own time in a fun way that even kids can learn.

Each time you drive over a bridge, pause a few minutes to share what you see to help scientists learn more about breeding swallow.


Begin a Swallow Bridge Survey!
white pelican on a lake with a wing tag

Pelican Tag Reporting

Last year HFWA launched a website for reporting pelican wing-tag sightings.

These reports are sent to Idaho Fish and Game to assist in population size estimates of American Pelicans.

To report a pelican tag, visit
American kestrel (aka sparrow hawk) enters a nest box)

Kestrels for Conservation

Come help HFWA build nest boxes for American kestrels and build one of your own. You can also order a nest box, knowing your contribution is benefiting local conservation.

Get involved with our nest monitoring program HERE!

Learn More!